NetSuite Product and Implementation Considerations

NetSuite ERP has several competitors in the market. However, it is Oracle NetSuite that is currently the world’s most deployed Cloud ERP solution. So, what is it about Oracle’s NetSuite product that makes it the ERP of choice for its 34,000 customers. In this blog, I outline some of the key elements that have been shared with me through conversation with NetSuite decision makers & implementation teams within Germany, which led them towards Oracle NetSuite.



NetSuite ERP is known for its scalability, making it suitable for both small and large organisations. NetSuite ERP has an advantage with its cloud-based architecture, scalability, and broader range of applications. NetSuite regularly performs system updates and maintenance for organisations, reducing pressure on internal IT teams when it comes to ongoing maintenance. In comparison, competitors often receive criticism for their complexity and outdated updates.   


NetSuite ERP provides a pricing model that allows organisations to pay on a subscription basis rather than up-front. In addition to this, NetSuite is modular enabling businesses to review, select and license only the modules their business requires. This enables Oracle to promote its NetSuite ERP Cloud solution to smaller companies with more limited budgets that might historically have been unable to access ERP solutions.



Being modular in nature, businesses can continue to invest beyond the initial implementation phase, scaling their ERP system across their organisation - creating a bespoke roadmap aligned with their business strategy. In many cases, NetSuite ERP can, and is, having an impact on business agility. Helping organisations to achieve their growth ambitions, NetSuite allows organisations to operate and scale at a faster pace. With this being the case, investing in an ERP should be seen as something to fuel growth rather than something to achieve after scaling.

Resource Planning

With budget not exhausted on the cost of the product alone, it leaves room for resource planning costs. This gives businesses implementing NetSuite ERP the opportunity to be proactive and develop effective NetSuite project teams. Equally, it allows businesses to plan effectively for integrations/configurations and ongoing NetSuite costs within the roadmap rather than attempting to get a return on investment out of the entire ERP functionality from the point of go-live.

Of course, there will be clients who underestimate the importance of cost for resources. We recently worked with a client who had made this critical mistake and worked with us to consult with them on a strategic hiring plan to ensure that their project avoided delay and associated cost and opportunity implications - click here to read the Case Study. To avoid any unnecessary pressure or problems caused by hiring, we recommend integrating your resource strategy into your roadmap planning.


Planning & Support

Whether you are currently looking to implement NetSuite, need support resourcing your project, or are looking to put a resource plan together for your NetSuite ERP roadmap over the coming years as the Head of Practice in Germany and NetSuite ERP specialist here at IT Works Recruitment Germany I can support you.