Budgets & Investment Hiring

Budgets, Budgets, Budgets…

​Can sometimes be the soundtrack to your working day in the lead up to the Christmas holidays. 

For most businesses, the fast-approaching new year signals the start of the new financial year, and more often than we care to admit, the preparation and final budget signoffs can be chaotic. Particularly if you know already your allocated new hire budget has been significantly reduced, it can be difficult to know where to begin your candidate search. 

We understand that for a hiring manager, finding the right candidate within budget can be a long, difficult, and stressful process…but what if it doesn’t have to be?

One solution is to work with a specialist recruiter. This specialist recruiter can be available longer term where you have further need for requirements of the same or a similar nature within their recruitment specialism. A recruiter that you have an established relationship with can feel like an extension of your internal team that you stay connected with. And, if you choose, your recruiter can work on either current or future hiring requirements on an ongoing basis.

People Are Your Best Business Asset 

​Always having to be 5 steps ahead of everything, a business operates on forecasting.Time and time again though, we hear about clients operating more reactively at the latter end of the year as opposed to in a proactive nature (in tune with the business planning in the earlier months of the year). It pays to invest in talent year-round, working on the opportunities that your business needs to fill to meet the business’s objectives. After all, it’s the people you hire who become your business’s greatest asset and majorly affect the trajectory of your business.Therefore, it’s not just when you need a hire that makes the difference but knowing who is available in the market at any given time.

​So, why is it that we as hiring managers sometimes fail to see the importance of investing in the recruitment process?

Why Paying Recruitment Fees Are Worth It Long-Term

Maybe you have been burnt in past using a recruitment agency?​

Perhaps, you’ve previously been hit with a BIG recruitment fee way beyond your budget for little in return?​

Maybe you considered recruitment fees to be out of budget without ever actually talking with a recruitment consultant?​

Perhaps you haven’t used a recruiter before, and you just don’t understand that recruitment companies have different offerings when it comes to their fees? (Some don’t take any fees until you make a hire, no placement, no fee.)​

Regardless of your reasons, we’re here to let you know why you get the greatest return on investment (and long-term success) by engaging recruitment experts.

Here’s why…


1. Quality Candidates

Hiring a specialist recruiter, you have access to a wider pool of candidates. The results in a higher volume of candidate prospects attracted to your open vacancy as well asa greater number of professionals with relevant skills and experience.Recruiters cut to the chase- connecting you to quality candidates in the market AND providing you with more options. 

2. Save Time & Resources

At face-value, utilising free tools and job boards to keep advertising costs down can seem like the perfect solution. Particularly if you have been allocated a minimal recruitment budget, it’s easy to look for those channels that can help you as a hiring manager be resourceful with the limited pot of money you have. 

Eventually though, these tools can fail to attract the talent you need to urgently hire into the business. Attracting candidates is one part of the process, and even with several candidates interested in the role, you also need to invest time to contact, screen and qualify the candidate pool. This is just the beginning though as there are then interviews to schedule in and plans to co-ordinate before you even think about making offers to candidates.

​Whilst having an initial fee to pay, investing in a recruiter to do the job for you saves you money and time long term. 

​Think about how much money and time you lose if then your hire you invested in and hired direct doesn’t work out?Or the amount of money/momentum/time lost in the process of sustaining or stabilising your project whilst searching for resources? 

​By hiring a recruiter, you can free up your time and resources to focus on other areas of your business whilst investing in the long-term growth of your team. 


3. Working To Your Budget

Most importantly, we respect our client's budget. 

Not only that but we give you options. As a recruitment consultancy service, we do exactly what we say we do and advise our clients on the range of options they have to pick from. 

With expert knowledge of the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)markets we operate in, we align our clients with the right specialist talent as well as aligning requirement with budget.